Weed & Pest Control

Animal Tracks in My Organic Garden – What do they belong to?

Winter is often a great chance to find out what animals are living in your area, especially if you get snow.  It makes it much easier to see the tracks animals leave and this might give you a heads up so you can plan the strategies you can use to prevent them getting into your garden.

Here are a few of the different animal tracks you might see in North America.

Rabbit Track

a fierce bad rabbit
Rabbit track. Photo Credit:Canopic/Flickr Creative Commons


Cat Track

Cat Paw Track
Cat track. Photo Credit: Sunny Ripert/Flickr Creative Commons

Dog Track

paw prints in the sand

Dog track. Photo Credit: Clare Snow/Flickr Creative Commons

Squirrel Track

Source: Instagram @naturetracking

Chipmunk Track

Source: Instagram @naturetracking


Weasel Track

Weasel Track. Photo Credit: Dru/ Flickr Creative Commons

Bear Track

black bear prints, Sequoia NP, California
Bear track. Photo Credit: Wayne/Flickr Creative Commons

Deer Track

tracks in the sand

Deer track. Photo Credit: Thomas Merton/Flickr Creative Commons

Raccoon Track

Raccoon track. 
Photo Credit: Stonebird/Flickr Creative Commons

Other Tracks

North Americans, if this is something that interests you, you might like to try looking at this page on Thingiverse.  If you download all the files there is a small free pdf on animal footprints.   Or you could buy either the “Field Guide to Animal Tracks and Scat of California” or “Scats and Tracks of North America


For the Aussies, here is a link to the Perth Zoo’s Shop which sells pawprints of the animals you might find in their zoo.  (On a side note, unless you are truly living near a large bush area in Australia the majority of native pests in suburban areas will probably be possums).  You might also like to click on and buy the resource book below.


For those in the UK this article by Steve Harris in the Discover Wildlife Magazine, has some of the commonly found paw prints that can be found in Europe.


I hope you have lots of success working out what animals you have in your garden this winter, and start planning how you might deal with these animals when spring comes around.

Inspiration for this article was taken from the National Wildlife Federation’s blog, for more detailed information on tracking you can look there..

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