
Regrow Unlimited Organic Tomatoes with 4 slices and some Dirt

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Did you know that it is easy to grow tomato plants in pots using any fresh or overripe organic tomato that you have in the fridge.  This is a better way to use tomatoes that have already reached their use-by date (rather than throwing them in the garbage).

You will need:

  • A Pot
  • Some Soil (Good organic soil, with compost is ideal)
  • An organic tomato
  • Water, and patience


1.Slice your Tomato

Firstly, cut your tomato in roughly into slices around 1/4 inch thick.  This will make sure that when you bury it the seeds will have direct access to the soil.



2. Get the Soil Ready

Next fill a pot full of soil leaving a couple of inches free at the top. ( This couple of inches will be for the layer of Soil you put on top of the tomatoes to make sure they are covered.)



3.Plant the Tomato Slices

Then put the slices of tomatoes flat on top of the soil in the pot.



4. Cover with Soil

Once that is complete cover them with a light layer of soil.




Not too much or the new seedlings will be unable to push their way through.


5. Water and Wait

After about two weeks of watering you should see the seedlings begin to sprout and push through the soil.




6. Take the Strongest and Replant

Then take about four or five of the more strongest looking seedlings and move them to a new pot.  As they grow, take the strongest ones and either plant them in your garden or look after them in the pot.
And that is all you need to do to grow your own tomato plants from an old tomato.


For more information go to the source and watch this video. Click Play to Watch and Listen.


Lee Hall also left a comment on the video with some good tips for those growing tomatoes in pots.
I have been growing tomatoes for 45 years now and I see a few of problems, with this method.
  1. If the tomato you use is a hybrid, like most grocery store tomatoes, it will not grow true, from seed. In other words, the plant you get will be one of the parent varieties of the tomato you used. This may or may not produce a desirable plant, with good fruit. It is a role of the dice.
    (**If you use certified organic tomatoes this shouldn’t be such a problem)
  2. It may be possible to grow tomatoes, in very small containers, in northern climes. This won’t work, where there are hot summers.
    I would recommend using a container that is at least 15 gallons.  Muck Buckets, (most of which are 17 gallons) with drainage holes drilled in the bottom, WILL work, if you are very attentive with watering, avoiding under-watering or over-watering.

The problem with small containers is that you can water a plant, in a container that is less than 10 gallons in the morning and if it turns out to be a very hot day, your plant may be wilted, by the afternoon. I know this, from personal experience. Regular potting soil does not hold water well.  You will need some Pro-Mix or similar growing medium, in order to get decent results. (A good Compost/Mulch would probably do here)

When I was using containers, I used Pro-Mix with compost and worm castings added. After quite a few years of experimenting with container growing, I came to the conclusion that it just isn’t worth my time and effort. I have since started growing almost exclusively in straw bales, which work better than containers, natural ground, or raised beds, when properly prepared.

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Not only are tomatoes tasty and great to eat.  Did you know that they are also Jam packed full of goodness, especially if they have been grown in your own richly mulched and fertilized organic garden.

They are full of Vitamin C and other antioxidants which help combat the formation of free radicals known to cause cancer.  Also Lycopene, found in tomatoes, has been linked to prostate cancer prevention in a number of studies. (So men, eat your tomatoes)

Also, because they are rich in lycopene, lutein and beta-carotene they can have a role in protecting the eyes against light induced damage, such as cataracts and macular degeneration.

These are only a few of the benefits and incentives to grow tomatoes, so I hope and wish you all the best in moving forward to create your own Organic Garden.


Interesting book on Companion Planting



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