Organic Gardening Secrets

About Us

Organic Gardening Secrets is all about providing up to date information about all aspects of ORGANIC GARDENING, from Eco-friendly, sustainable ideas to the best decorative garden and organic vegetable garden possible.

The current hot topic of Aquaponics is covered as well as the different types of organic gardens – square foot gardens, vertical gardens, no dig garden beds, and others – that you can make at home to suit your dwelling and healthy lifestyle without the high cost.

There are numerous tips on organic composting, organic soil preparation, safe natural pesticides to protect your plants from bugs and garden pests, correct watering methods, and how to protect your gardens from being eaten by rabbits, possums, and other pesky creatures.

We provide well researched articles, tips and videos from reliable and trusted experts, designed to assist you in having the best decorative garden and organic vegetable garden possible.


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